By Abusyeed - Android - Solo - 8 hours
I have tested this app from end to end, and I found quite a few things. I have listed all those in a flow as a user who notices everything sequentially. I primarily focused on the usability and accessibility of the app, and I also covered the interface design part along with the flow. I feel this app is a mix of Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram, but I have tried to give my suggestions unbiasedly and not in the way I am habitant to these apps.
Initial Findings
Before starting, I needed to know more about the app, so I went internet surfing about the product, and I got a few ideas about it. Later, I tested everything and came to the app, which had blue shades as its primary color and had gradient blue for CTA’s. There are some common issues, like I couldn’t come back to the process through Android’s swipe back, search bars have small heights, I can’t select images after typing, and there are no states of CTA’s like pressed, static, or invalid. I have listed these in specific areas as well.
Onboarding Page
Onboarding & Splash Screen
When I opened the app, I saw this splash screen and a couple of onboarding pages at the very beginning, but there was an issue with the swipe transitions. I kept trying to swipe right and left, but it didn’t work, so it needs to be improved.
There are only two onboarding pages; it can be around three or four because people should know the app more in depth and they will get confidence to move forward.
Both pages have similar illustrations; there should be a change and distinct illustrations for the respective features the app provides.
Home and Navbar
In the navbar, those icons are consistent, but the marketplace icon is not stable while switching other pages. It needs to be improved for those outline icons, which transform into filled icons.
I found that the “Add icon” changed when I came to the marketplace. As It changed from add to bag icon, which It seem to be change by making it more minimal.
The search bar is very small, but it can be broader because it will give users more accessibility while tapping instead of getting tapped into stories.
The image swiping is not much faster; sometimes it switches to the jobs section, so it needs to be checked once. I need to hold the image and swipe; if not, I get landed in the job section. (Phone refresh rate: 60 Hz)
In the product listing, the text is in violet to differentiate. I guess it is missing consistent colors; “Your products” can be bigger on the page instead of using different colors.
CTAs used in the marketplace can be improved.
The save button can be brought up front in the card for easy access instead of clicking the kebab buttons to do so.
Post and others
While posting pictures from the gallery, after that, I got into the basic editing section, where the delete icon is inconsistent and small, so it needs to be changed. After posting, I could see the captions above the image, and there was very little space in between. A line can be inserted to differentiate the username and caption.
Small dialog blocks or toasties can be improved by stretching to full length until the grid and lifting slightly from the navbar.
The comments section should have swipe-down interaction to close rather than depending on a single source.
Also, while posting, the account name can be added at the top of post editing for users if they have multiple accounts.
UI Fix
CTA’s should get a constant linear color rather than a gradient because it is killing aesthetics.
Vignettes should be added to story editing features to distinguish colors and all
Rounded icons can be used with very familiar icons.
The options listed in settings can have space in between and get full area for a better interaction experience.
Dialog boxes and their animation can be improved, which can enhance visual design.
Icons can be consistent and rounded.
Placeholder texts can be lighter.